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Classified MAU82216

  • Commercial/Office space on rent - Sodnac‏, Quatre-Bornes
  • Commercial/Office space on rent - Sodnac‏, Quatre-Bornes
  • Commercial/Office space on rent - Sodnac‏, Quatre-Bornes
Commercial/Office space on rent - Sodnac‏, Quatre-Bornes

Commercial/Office space on rent - Sodnac‏, Quatre-Bornes

12 500MUR
Districte De Plaines Wilhelms > Quatre Bornes
January 26, 2020
Real Estate > Real Estate for Rent
The size of this property is around 400 sq ft. >It is ideal for an office or a cabinet. >It is equipped with a toilet & bathroom.
Districte De Plaines Wilhelms, Quatre Bornes See on map